Every Friday in the summer the Boston Harbor Hotel hosts free movies. They're busy other nights of the week too, with swing dancing and their Blues Barge; maybe I'll check out one of those next year. Anyhow, guests have three options for seating. They can sit at one of the cafe tables and order dinner, they can sit on the hard granite steps, or they can sit on cushy folding chairs on the Blues Barge, which is what we did. The barge provides the best (free) seats in the house, as long as you don't mind that an outgoing tide may produce a stiff neck since the movie screen gradually gets higher and higher.
We saw "The Apartment", which I'd never seen in full before. It's definitely a product of its time, full of things that immediately strike the un-pc chord; like how many times does the doctor slap Shirley MacLaine in the face? And man, what a tool Jack Lemmon's character is! Nevertheless, it's a classic for good reason. Next week, the last week in the season, is "The Hustler".