"Oh shit, I think I left the tickets at home!"
Nervous laughter ensued. In fact, he had. The best solution was to drive back to Boston, pick them up, and try to get back to Vermont in time. If it hadn't been for Friday traffic, a section of highway limited to one lane for construction, and a motorcycle accident we would have made it. It was an extremely valiant effort. As it was, we had some quality time in the car and listened to some good cds. When we got back to Montpelier, we went to the local dive bar with the people who had made it to the concert to drown our sorrows in cheap beer and pool.
At the flea market the next day I got two cows for $5. I'm not especially ga-ga over cows, but I had to take these home. They reminded me of the tiny metal cows I found in my grandmother's bureau when we were cleaning out her bedroom. They don't stand up very well, and the paint has largely rubbed off but I really love them.

They look almost like the real thing! I went to a wedding in Maine a couple years ago and made sure to visit the "oreo" cows. And then have steak for dinner.

I also bought a rubber heart model. It splits down the middle so you can peer inside at all of the creepy little numbered sections. My heart is currently living in my blue bowl, a really good safe place for it right now.

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