My weekend plans changed at the last minute and before I knew it I was in the car on the way to Williamsburg for a Halloween party. Held in a loft lodged among a neighborhood of hipsters and Hasids, it was one of the best Halloween parties I've been to; if nothing else it had the highest percentage of people in costume that I've ever seen. There were maybe oh, five people out of 75ish who weren't dressed up. Who was there? Let's see. Nefertiti, Smurfette & Gargamel, a pinata, Global Warming, the unicorns from Planet Unicorn, Waldo, a couple vikings (including me), a few zombies, a tiger, a guy with arrows sticking out of him, a Freudian slip and many more. I got a great idea for next year from someone on the street, but I'm not going to tell.
I also had a chance to visit with my sister as well as to see where she works, and we all had another brunch at Patois in Cobble Hill (Carroll Gardens?). It was good, but not as good as the first time when we were able to sit outside in the garden and were there right when they opened - before menu items were gone and the waitstaff was burned out.
CHOW has an article (and recipes) about making your own candy bars. I especially like that when you mouse over the recipes you can see photos of cross sections of mass produced candy bars next to the Chow versions.
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