Another late night baking session ended succesfully. Actually, the baking didn't go all that late, it was the washing up that stretched on into the wee hours. When I grow up, my kitchen will have a dishwasher. Anyhow, thinking he had done something incredibly fantastic and best husband of the year worthy, my coworker's husband brought home a case of sweetened flaked coconut. What does one do with a case of coconut? HAVE A COCONUT BAKEOFF!!!(Said in Oprah voice for greater effect.) Yup. and 12 days into the bakeoff, everyone is um - you guessed it, pretty sick of coconut.
I made Samoas bars (like the Girl Scout cookies) from the Baking Bites blog. She's created a more traditional round cookie version (as well as recipes for thin mints & tagalongs), but I had no time to roll and fuss with cookie cutters. I'm happy that I chose the bar version, though It was a difficult decsion. Usually I'm all about aesthetics, unless it interferes with getting a reasonable amount sleep. I think trying to manipulate the sticky caramel-coconut mixture evenly around round cookies with their centers cut out at midnight would have been scream inducing.
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